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Silicone band system: Lace-part band + 5 silicone tabs

Silicone band system: Lace-part band + 5 silicone tabs


6 piece set. This unique Silicone Gripping System will allow you to wear your wig with zero worry of it slipping. This unique design has a lace cut-out for a more realistic part illusion when wearing your wig. The Silicone Band comes with 5 silicone tabs to be stitched into your wig in allignment with the band. This silicone to silicone grip provides the ultimate grip. This unique design has a lace cut-out for a more realistic part illusion when wearing your wig.

Silicone Gripping System


CHRISTALine Studios' WIGwell initiative provides free custom medical wigs to those experiencing medically related hair loss. 

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Some photos used in this site are associated with shows or works owned by NBCUniversal LLC, Entertainment Weekly, and Turner Entertainment Digital and are not owned by CHRISTALine Studios. These photos are for illustrative purposes only, demonstrating samples of work created by Christal Schanes. Photography by Christal Schanes.

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